Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

PhD Programme

Pre-registration, admission and enrollment


Provided that the general Access requirements are fulfilled and once the candidate has followed any of the routes of access to the Programme (previous contact with a teacher accepting to direct the Doctoral Thesis), the following step will consist on pre-registering. Administrative procedure for preregistration is centralized at the Vicerrectorado de Planificación Académica y Doctorado (UPM Vice-Rectorate for Academic Planning and Doctorate) and will be done online.

The CAP will receive the applications and will decide on their acceptation or rejection, in accordance to the criteria listed in the section “Programme’s Specific Access Requirements”. Admission is a compulsory previous procedure to access the postgraduate studies and will only be undertaken the first year.

Once the candidate has been admitted to the Doctoral Programme it is time for enrolement. Administrative procedure will be carried out at the center responsible for the Programme, which in this case is Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación. Details on the dates and concrete instructions for preregistration, admission and enrolment can be acceded either at the UPM or ETSIT websites.


Any claim or complaint must be addressed to the Programme Coordinator in writing. Once received, the coordinator will pass the complaint to the CAP, which will issue a resolution, also in writing.


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