Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Teaching team


There are currently 16 lecturers belonging to different UPM Departments making up the teaching team for the Master Degree in Photovoltaic Solar Energy, most of them coming from the Departmento de Electrónica Física, Ingeniería Eléctrica y Física Aplicada (Physical Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics), while most of them carry out their research activity at IES-UPM.

  • 7 Full Professors, 6 University Lecturers, 2 Tenured Associated Professors and 1 Associated Professor
  • Professors and lecturers work under full-time contracts.
  • 15 out of 16 lecturers possess a Doctorate’s Degree.
  • The teaching team has gained a total of 50 six-year periods of research.
  • Teaching experience is, on average, above 15 years.
  • More than 50 doctoral theses developed under their advice.
  • Pioneers in university education of photovoltaic solar energy: a specific doctorate programme was launched in 1980 and since 1985 several subjects on photovoltaics are offered in the framework of Engineering and Architecture Degrees at UPM.
Additionally, in order to widen the students’ perspectives out from the academic environment, key professionals on the industrial, business and voluntary sectors related to photovoltaic solar energy contribute to the Seminars of the Program.


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